Welcome to 2018!
Happy New Year to us all ☺
It has been some time since my last update, so I’ve jam packed this one with all the bits of stuff that has been going on in the back end prior to and during the Christmas / New Years break. Lucky for me, I got a bit of downtime while Merin banged away on our code!
The new build is all set ready – here is what has been done.
Yeah for Merin!
Improvements Made!
Site Master
We have changed the name of Site Manager to Site Administrator and with this come additional privileges. The idea is to enable those businesses with multiple sites an addition administrator to support site management in Sherm.
Additional functions include:
- Planning > Meetings
- Mark off attendance to meetings that have occurred at their site
- Will have access to meeting minutes and upload / attach minutes of meeting
- Mail Notifications
- When actions assigned to Planning > Plans are overdue, this person will get the notification and should follow up with ‘responsible person’ for actions in plans for their site
- When attachments are added to the Site Master, the Site Administrator will be notified
- Plant and Equipment notifications if the date for service, maintenance, test and tag or calibration is due or overdue along with Plant Registration expiry date.
- Site related events
- Whenever a site is fetched throughout the application, the Site Administrator is listed will be able to see all site, unless the site is marked “Private”, then they will only be able to fetch data for the sites to which they are assigned as Site Administrator.
- Manage Risk Module
- Site Administrator can Edit, Add and complete the CA Evaluation and Approval of Corrective Actions. If the Site is Private, then they can only manage for their site only.
- Manage Employee
- When a worker is made ‘inactive’, the person to whom they reported to along with the Site Administrator shall receive a notification. Rule though, is that if either of these persons make an employee ‘inactive’ they will not require
Document Register
Ok so in this one, we have included the ability for documentation to be developed for specific sites and departments. NOTE: this is not mandatory. It would only be useful, if a Site did a completely different process / activity than other sites. For example, one site is a production site, the other a processing site. So, in terms of safe work procedures, work instructions etc.… you can specify where the document belongs. We have also updated the mobile app in both iTunes and Google Play. These should be ready in the next day or three (iTunes). From the Mobile App, users can search documents by Site in Approved Documents.
We had an issue whereby the Categories were linked between all clients. This is now fixed so please go in and review categories for your site.
Incident Management
File size has been increased from 20MB to 150MB in both “Upload Photo / Document” for Incident and within the Investigation tab ‘Attachment’. This is especially helpful if you have CCTV footage that you need to upload as evidence as sometimes these files are quite large.
Planning > Meetings
When scheduling a meeting, you can sort by Site, Department and select multiple people. This makes life a lot easier for sites with a load of people and you can break it down to rope in who you like quicker that selecting one by one.
Registers > Plant
- Email notifications will not fire from the server when a Plant Item is in the ‘decommissioned’ status.
- Export to PDF report will not show ‘decommissioned’ plant items.
- If a PDF report of ‘decommissioned’ plant items is required, then open filter and select Status: Decommissioned – Search, then Export to PDF.
Workplace Inspections
Inspections that are over 12 months from the date completed are transferred into Archived Inspections. We had an issue whereby an Archived Inspection had a corrective action that could not be closed out and the user was getting email reminders.
This is now fixed, so outstanding actions for Archived Inspections can be closed and approved.
A Filter for Inspection Type has been included as well.
Inactive Employees
When a person is made inactive, we had the issue that in certain areas of Sherm, i.e. Documentation, Hazards, Incidents, etc. that their name would not display. It became ‘inactive’ in certain locations, such as hazards, incidents, etc.… This has now been rectified for better record keeping purposes and visibly in terms of history.
Reports > Corrective Actions
When running a Corrective Action Report, only those persons who have been assigned corrective actions for the period selected in the report will display in the “Responsible Person” dropdown filter. So if you are the person who has to prepare and send out reports to others on your site, then this will certainly make it quicker and easier to do.
Assign Notifications
Notification is sent to the reporting to person of the employee, for following injury types:
1) Lost Time Injury
2) Restricted Work Injury
3) Medical Treatment Injury
Notification is sent to the users assigned with notification rights for Injury Management:
1) Lost Time Injury
2) Restricted Work Injury
3) Medical Treatment Injury
4) Contractor Injury
5) Client, visitor or another person Injury
NOTE: When sites are Private, notification for Hazards, Incidents, Issues and Injuries will only go to those persons who are aligned with the respective site for which the Hazard, Incident, Issue and Injury is related to.
The Primary Admin and Secondary Admins listed in the Sherm Vendor Site panel (yep, under my control and if you need updated, let me know) and Site Admins (listed in Site Master) will also still receive the notifications if they too are listed in Assign Notification Rights.
Reports > Data Analysis
When a site is made inactive, you cannot run reports for that site. So, should you require data for a period during which the site was made ‘inactive’ you need to make the site “active’.
Reports > Contractor > Employee License and Certificate
Any expired license or certificate that is past its Expiry date is to display in red, both within the table and print report.
Reports > License and Certificates
Department Filter has now been added alongside of Site Filter
Document Handlers
Does not include Contractor Employees
Document Register now will only display Document Handlers to be selected as the Document Owner, where as previously it was displaying ALL workers.
Email Updates
Investigation Team Member email – remove reference to a meeting and replaced with ability to upload documents in the investigation and add Case Notes
Mobile App
- Can Add Injuries
- Close out corrective actions in all areas of the app
- Assign Team Members to an Investigation
Thank you everyone for your input. It is still very much appreciated.
Reminder: any issues or improvements, please log these through Tech Support and provide as much detailed information as possible.
Wishing us all an amazing 2018!
Please communicate this information to relevant persons in your business.
Kind Regards
Caroline Kingston