September 2017

September 2017

Sherm Update

Assign Notification Rights
Contractors: Included Contractors in assign notification rights so you can choose who shall receive the notification for expired insurances.  Also, post expiry date of insurance, notifications are sent monthly and not weekly to both the company and the person assigned the notification.  Remember you can also check Reports > Contractors for expired Insurances.

Filter for Reported To
Within the Hazard and Issue Module we now have a Reported To dropdown filter to make it easier to find those reported to you.  Also, if you have the rights, you can search other people you are Reported To persons.

Reports > Employee > Skills Matrix
It is now not mandatory to select Employees in the Skills Matrix Report, so if you are searching for who has a specific licence or certificate, for either ‘active’ or ‘inactive’ workers then this can be undertaken.  For inactive persons, change the filter “Status” to Inactive.  There may be that person who did contract work for you that you need to bring back??

Plant Register
1)       Decommissioned Plant Items: a filter has been included for the Status: “Decommissioned”

To Decommission a Plant item in the plant register, for the relevant plant item click on the Risk Assessment action button, then within this page, click “Yes” and entre the date the item was decommissioned.

Once a plant item has been decommissioned it will NOT display in the Plant Register listing page.

To view, select the filter Status – “Decommissioned” and press Search.  All records uploaded are retained for that plant item.

You can Export the data to PDF

2)       Updating Next Due Date for Service, Maintenance, Test and Tag, Calibration and Record Keeping
You will now see and little icon next to each of the Next Due Dates in the Edit Plant and Equipment Page as shown below:

To update the next due date simply click on the icon and fill out the required fields:

Upon completing the record, the next due date will be updated according to the frequency selected.

Also, please note that we have included the following which I have shown in the screenshot below

  •  Records Sub-Menu – This is where information will be stored relating to the updating next due date (as above) and
  • Add Record – enables you to also add extra information as required which is especially handy for “Maintenance”
  • Add Record – below shows the data to input
  • Records can be Exported to PDF as and when required.

Site Master export to PDF and Excel
For companies that have multiple sites, you can now export the site master to either PDF or Excel

Documentation: those with View rights for documentation module will only see Approved Documents unless they are selected as a Document Handler

Documentation > Category Master – if you decide to change the name of a document category, for example “Health and Safety” to “WHS” then upon updating the category name, all related documents within the Document Register, Approved Documents and Archived Document will be updated with the change.

Dashboard Site Dropdown: is now listed alphabetically

Scheduled Audits: Can edit due date for audit to be completed by

Scheduling Workplace inspections – sites sorting alphabetically

Training > Schedule CAT – When a person goes to “Appear for CAT” that has been scheduled to them, the status will change from “Not Appeared “to “Completed” once the user has done their CAT.

Previously the status of the CAT reflected the entire CAT and not the individual user status of the CAT.

The same will apply for a user when they go to My Training.

Plant Register
Multiple notifications fixed for Calibration Over Due so if a user has more than one role, i.e. site manager, assigned person of plant they will only receive the one notification.

Thank you to everyone again for their contributions toward Sherm.

I’m so very grateful.

Have a great week and any issues with any of the above, then please let me know.

Kind Regards
Caroline Kingston