August 2017

August 2017

Sherm Update
Reports > Hazards
Within Reports > Hazards there are 2 options to print.  One to PDF and the other to Excel.  When exporting to Excel the report includes the Corrective Actions assigned to the hazard.  This is most helpful when doing a review.  Prior to exporting the report, you can select Status of either “Controlled” or “Uncontrolled”

Workplace Inspections
On the Manage – Workplace inspections Management page, the View number of records has been fixed so all inspections are visible.  Furthermore, a change has been made so that on ‘Rescheduled” inspections, instead of the record appearing the next day, the inspection will be recorded 5 days prior to being next due and an email will be sent to the responsible person.  It saves the inspection sitting in the register and being forgotten about. Thank you Helen BTS.

Archived Inspections
For inspection that were completed > 12 months from current date they are archived.  If an archived inspection has actions that have NOT been closed out, then the Admin or the responsible person can still close out actions.  Thank you Alex GPCC

Reporting To Persons
Issue with inactive persons displaying for selection as Reported To person in hazard, incident and issues module has now been fixed.

Reports > Monthly Data Analysis
Incorrect data displaying in the Workplace Inspections, Inspection Type data has been fixed.  Thank you Tanya UEA

Mobile App
Assign Investigator – we found that if users were assigning the investigator by the mobile app the record was not holding which enabled multiple selection of investigators to an incident has now been fixed and the record will display in mobile app.  Thank you Scotty KBF

Manage CAT
Display of participants and View CAT results of participants are now ordered alphabetically. Some general clean up on the module was required post new user interface.  Thank you Rosemarie STRITAS

Document Register
File size has increased from 4MB to 8MB.
Thank you Brett IWA

Planning > Safety Performance
Have removed “Safety” from this module as Sherm is being used for both quality and environmental, so performance targets set for corrective actions can relate to all three aspects.

On the Agenda!

–          Dashboard upgrade to enable the export of the pie charts from home page. Can select by Site however there will be rules that apply, especially if you have ‘private’ sites.
–          Ability to add Injury Details from Mobile App
–          A few other little bits and pieces.

This month we welcome on board

–          Lochness Landscaping – WA
–          Netzsch Australia – QLD
–          BCTM Haulage – QLD

Recent Published Article in Safety Solutions
–          Improving safety outcomes with online risk and compliance management

** Please Share!

–          Any improvements or fixes required please send them through Tech Support.
–          Communicate relevant changes to your Teams.
–          Need help in a flash… Call me ☺

Thank you for all your contributions!

Kind Regards
Caroline Kingston
