July 2017

July 2017

Sherm Update


New Improvements


When an incident has occurred, then the Reported To person should assign an Investigator.  The investigator can then assign Team Members.  The investigation is considered Closed when the Assigned Investigator has selected the Root Cause/s and completed the Investigation Comments.  There is no restriction on the number of characters within the Investigation Comments so this should be the summary of the investigation.

Team Members
Persons who are selected as investigation team members can write case notes and upload attachments in the investigation.  Previously this was restricted to the Investigator… but not now!  You can collaborate.

Case Notes
There are no restrictions to the number of characters when writing up Case Notes relating to an Incident.  When Notes have been saved, an email notification will go to the other Investigation Team Members that Notes have been added and that they should review.

Workplace Inspections
We have had an issue whereby inspection notifications had been firing from the server, but there was not Inspection Scheduled for the user.  We have fixed this issue so that the notification mail is sent when the inspection is rescheduled.

Also included is a Filter for “Inspection Type “to assist sorting data in Manage – Workplace inspection Management page.

Legal Register
Now that you have control of the Legal Register, I would suggest that you set up a Workplace Inspection every 6 months so that you can review the Legal Register links to ensure your site links remain current as WorkSafe Australia have completed several updates from there site.  Here is my suggestion:

  • Workplace inspection > Category Master: Compliance: Legal Requirements
  • Workplace Inspection > Inspection Type Master: Legal Register, Frequency 6 monthly – Description – Review Legal Register
  • Workplace inspection > Inspections Master Management: Compliance: Legal Register: Sherm : Head Office
  • Workplace inspection > Inspections Management: Schedule inspection and ensure you check ‘reschedule’

Post a scheduled meeting, don’t forget to mark of Attendance to Meetings as this will register in Planning > Performance – % of attendance to meetings.

Improvement made: Attendees to meetings can upload meeting minutes so this enables you to share the responsibility around for writing up meeting minutes and making available to relevant persons.

Reports > Hazards > Export to Excel
In your Reports for Hazards, you have the option to Export to PDF or to Excel.  Now, when exporting to Excel, the corrective actions that have been assigned to the HAZID will display.  Prior to printing your report, I suggest you filter according to HAZID.

NOTE – The corrective actions will only display in the Excel Report NOT the PDF.

Monthly Data Analysis Report
There was an issue with some of the data coming across within the investigations and their status.

I believe this to be resolved, however if you should identify any abnormalities, please do forward this through for further analysis and fixing our end.

Mobile App
Users can now access their Licenses and Certificates

Workplace Inspections can be finalized by click on the check button to the right of the CA Button

Documents can be Filtered by Doc. Category

What’s Next!

–          Investigating calendar updates when meetings are rescheduled
–          Investigating calendar for when inspections are scheduled
–          Planning > Safety Performance – we are dropping the ‘Safety’
–          Dashboard to display also Workplace Inspections
–          Automating workflow in Manage Training
–          Drag files into Sherm

Should you have any suggestions, please don’t hesitate to email those through to me ☺

Thank you everyone for your continued support and feedback.  Always appreciated.

Please remember to communicate the relevant changes to your staff.  Regular training sessions are advisable to work groups.

Kind Regards
Caroline Kingston