Welcome to September 2022 update!
I hope everyone is keeping happy, healthy and safe 😊
General Fixes
- Report Headings have been fixed to remove a pesky line in Title found within some reports
- Issues Management unrequested notification upon editing and saving has been fixed.
Manage Employee
- When making an employee inactive a date field will display to list their termination date
- The date will be recorded in the Print Version and will be visible in their profile as a Record in Attachment Screen
- Should the worker return, the date they are made active again will also be recorded
- The Print form updated to include date finished.
Workplace Inspections
- Upon completion of an electronic inspection the email notification provided to the assigner, and those listed to receive User Notification, will have PDF version of completed electronic inspection form.
Document Register
- Ability to change name of document without having to change version control or add new attachment.
- Requirement > change the document name, select date updated and in Changes Made, you would record – Name of document changed in Sherm only, or similar.
Recent Logged in User Report
- New report that is only available only to Super Admin
Administrator Details
- This can be checked out by all users who can then contact the Admin should a report be required.
Please ensure you update your procedures accordingly and communicate the relevant changes to your teams.
Thank you all again for your continued support over the years, and a big welcome to our new Sherm client Jason Buckley Haulage 😊