Fixes and Improvements
Manage Risk Module
- Inspection Master – documents listed alphabetically
- Incident Management – Add Injury Register: Additional bodily locations added.
- Workplace Inspections Management – 1) Enabled the Workplace Inspection Comments button to be available for Admin and Secondary Admins and Site Administrator. 2) The inspections comments action button can be available post completion of inspections so any additional comments can be added.
People Module
- Human Resources > Manage Position – will show only ‘Active’ positions.
- Manage Positions – removed the ‘required qualifications and risk activities’ as this is covered in your own PD’s and have increased the display area for required training.
Registers Module
- Plant: Fix Linking of Safe Work Procedure Document Type in the Risk Assessment Tab
- Plant: Fix the error when trying to Export to PDF in Records when $0.00 amount is entered in the record.
- Chemicals: Included an Export to Excel function
- Contractor / Supplier Register: updated to include ‘Supplier’ and an additional “Status” of Pending Assessment provided.
- Training – Filter includes “Category” of Training. The Site Filter was throwing error upon selecting and this is now fixed.
Reports Module
- Chemicals: New Expired Risk Assessment Report
- Documentation – Review/Approve – added Filter to sort by ‘Document Owner’
Training Module
- Schedule Training – Attach CAT: have included “Category” to assist with Filtering the CAT to be selected and added the Facilitator of the CAT to enable Offline CATs to be scheduled with Online Training.
Planning Module
- Administrator, Secondary Admins and when Sites are Private, the Site Administrator have the function to delete a Plan in Planning > Manage Plans even when they have been released. Status in table will now show if the plan has been release or not. Remember, tasks assigned to person will only display when the Plan has been Released.
Mobile App (Android Version Only)
- Add Incident – link or add Plant Item details works same as Web App. That is, if an item of equipment is not owned by the company (or not in the Plant Register) that is involved in the incident, the plant item can be added as free text in Plant Name. Site and Plant Type should not be added when using this option.
- Corrective Action Evaluation function has been included.
- Some general fixes to the UI and software version updated.
These improvements will go onto the iOS version during the month of October.
Stay well, keep safe and have a great week.
Kindest Regards
Caroline Kingston
Director / Principal Consultant
P: 07 3396 6208 M: 0439 009 620
Skype: caroline.kingston181