Hello Champions! Here is your update that covers October and November 2020
Fixes and Improvements
Reports Module
Add Export to Excel Function for the following:
– Corrective Actions
– Manage Risk
- Incident Report
- Hazard Report
- Issues Raised
- Inspections Register
– Corrective Actions
– Investigations
Deleting Records in Manage Risk Module
- Incident, Hazard and Issues reported along with Workplace Inspections can be deleted by the Primary and Secondary Admins listed in the Vendor panel and those persons who are assigned as Site Admins in People > Human Resources > Site Master.
Reports > Documentation > Document Review / Approve
- An additional filter has been included for Document Owner.
Registers > Plant
- Equipment Records can be Exported to PDF
- The Records function here provides a nice easy way to maintain historical information on plant items, such as service, maintenance, test & tag, calibration and other types of records.
Registers > Contractors / Suppliers
Additional status for Contractors / Suppliers “Pending Assessment”. This should be used when you are waiting to receive updated documents, such as insurances that have expired, or a records of certification, product information etc..
Manage Positions
- Improved design to make it easier to select training required and the table will only display Active Positions.
- And have changed the table to only display ‘Active’ positions. To see the ‘Inactive’ positions, the Filter has to be opened and status changed.
Work In Progress
- Will be assigning notifications to Workplace Inspections, same as hazards, incidents, issues.
- Email notification for New Incident Reported is going to include more details
- Meetings Module – I’m looking at enabling the recording of meeting minutes directly into the application rather that uploading meeting minutes record form
- Contractor / Supplier Register will have a Notes tab that will work same as the Notes in Investigations and Injury Management
- Injury Register – split bodily locations and added a couple more, but there are fixes still required.
- MSDS out of date Notification Email will be updated to SDS and I think there is still potentially an issue with the Private Sites and cross over notification.. We will test this further.
So until my next update, stay well, keep safe and hope you have a great weekend ahead of you.
Kindest Regards
Caroline Kingston
Director / Principal Consultant
P: 07 3396 6208 M: 0439 009 620
W: www.safetyforlife.com.au
Skype: caroline.kingston181