First up… hope everyone is doing well. These last few months have been quite interesting and it is now understood that the risk COVID-19 is likely to be in our community for at least 2 years. So, the important of social distancing and the ability to isolate, track and trace are our weapons in this invisible war! The new ‘normal’ for life in general (work or personal) will bring with it challenges, potentially unforeseeable risks and, as we have seen from various news reports, new opportunities!
So change is going to be constant and how change affects each of us varies. Change can impact a method of work, the adoption of or transition to a new process, ways of learning, how we communicate etc… Remember though, not all persons adapt to changes the way we expect or plan, so it is vital from a psychological perspective to ensure workers are supported, given clear instructions, adequate training and recognition. Remember to stay informed from your relevant State and Local Regulators and utilise the publications and resources provided by WorkSafe Australia.
Righto, rant is over, update is next.
**Issue with Manage Employee data not displaying as notified today was not in all databases, just a couple so this is now fixed.
Sorry if this inconvenienced you today.
Risk and Opportunity Register
– This is now ready for you to work with if you have not started on this already.
– One more change that will come into play is the paragraph formatting of the Risk Assessment Details for both inherent and residual risk which should be completed by end of week. Aside from that all is good.
Action: Commencing using as a high level Risk and Opportunity Register for your business.
Risk Matrix Redesigned
– The design of the Risk Matrix has been updated Manage Risk > Risk Management > Risk Matrix Configuration
– Your Risk Matrix has also been updated to align with the redesign
Action: Please review and make any additional changes.
New Display of Inherent and Residual Risk Assessment in Sherm
Reports > Manage Risk > Workplace Inspection
– The report was throwing an error which is now resolved.
Thanks Anna!
Plant Register – Risk Assessment
– The plant item will display in RED when the Plant Risk Assessment is due for review.
– The review period is 12 months from date recorded in the Risk Assessment Tab.
Thanks Anna!
Contractor / Supplier Register – Motor Vehicle Insurance Details
– Motor Vehicle Insurance Details has been added to the import spreadsheet
– The print report updated to include the vehicle insurances.
Training Categories in Training Master
– These no longer display in the filter.
Medical Test Notification
– Repeat notification fixed
Contractor Register
– New Category – Freight / Logistics Added.
Chemical Register
– User can with manage rights can delete Chemicals that are no longer used in the business.
Manage Employee – New Filter
– Added user Roles as a filter to assist with sorting
Current Work
We have a number of minor fixes and improvements going on to enable the export of more data and ensuring that notifications are going to correct persons and not being doubled up and other ‘stuff’…. It’ll be a surprise that I know your just hanging out for. LOL
Anyhow, till next time…
Stay well, stay safe and keep smiling
Kindest Regards
Caroline Kingston
Director / Principal Consultant
P: 07 3396 6208 M: 0439 009 620
Skype: caroline.kingston181