April 2020

I hope everyone is doing well. Here is the update from last month. Sorry I am late but like they say.. better late than never

Mobile App Fixes

  • When deleting photos from the mobile app, it was crashing has now been fixed.


Web App Improvements

Training > Training Master

– Admin can changed the Training Category, Training Name and Training Type


Manage Risk > Workplace Inspection

– Scheduled inspections can be deleted by the Admin. This allows for inspections that were not completed and marked off as done which have no records to be ‘deleted’ from the App as this will provide more accurate records for the business.

– Additionally this can be done also in Archived Inspections that were not completed, or marked as completed and NOT.

– The completed date also available in Reports > Workplace Inspections.


Document Approver Email

– During the document review process, the email link now provides for the Approver of the document to download in the same way that Document Reviewers and those who can contribute and make comments during the review process. Thanks Micky D, TRM!


Audit Module

– Within the Filter, the populated Audit Template Names are now a dropdown instead of having a text field.


Incident Management

– For incident type, we added “Illness” and the Injury Register tab was not displaying for recording injury details. This is now fixed.


Contractor Management

– Included within contractor management is the ability to add motor vehicle insurances.

– The import excel sheet has been updated accordingly


Site Administrator in Site Mater

– People > Human Resources > Site Master

– On the Site Master Page, there is a nominated Site Administrator. This person has additional function to assist with administration in Sherm to those who are assigned corrective actions and support senior management.

– Additional function has been provided, that can be activated from the Site Master to enable this person to delete incidents. This is very useful for various Sites that are marked “Private” and such control is required at a Site Level.


Reports > Monthly Data Report

– Some tidying up of this report has been done. Hope you like! Any suggestions, please put forth.


Corrective Action Email Notification – Issues Management

– This has been updated to include the action required of the responsible person.

What You Should Do

1) Update Site Master if you would like the Site Admin to have ability to Delete: Hazards, Incidents and Issues.


Current Work

The Opportunity and Risk Register is still WIP. We are quite close and I would suggest that it will be ready close to the end of this month.


Stay well, stay safe and keep smiling

Kindest Regards


Caroline Kingston

Director / Principal Consultant

P: 07 3396 6208 M: 0439 009 620

E: [email protected]

W: www.safetyforlife.com.au

Skype: caroline.kingston181