I do hope everyone is well and have developed a plan to address the COVID-19 situation and manage their business risk and risk to workers and others. These plans will have to be continuously reviewed until this pandemic is under control and until then, more severe measures are likely to be implemented by the Aust Govt in this coming week.
Live Update: 22 March, 2020 11.15am
There are 1122 confirmed cases across the country, with 436 in NSW, 278 in Victoria, 221 in Queensland, 90 in Western Australia, 67 in South Australia, 16 in Tasmania, nine in the ACT and five in the Northern Territory.
Seven people have died, six of them in NSW.
With cases now over 1100 in Australia social distancing, hygiene standards and staying informed are recommended measures to stop the spread of the Virus. Ensure you stay up to date and utilise the resources provided by the Australian Department of Health to do all you can to prevent exposure to yourself, your workers, family and friends.
OK so let’s get on with the update!
I wish everyone well during this time (sending virtual hugs)
Mobile App Improvements
- Logged in user by default will be displayed when reporting hazard, incident, issue.
- Witness: phone number is linked so you can make call directly from your mobile device
- Filters fixed in Document Module
- Attachments imported will have the file name visible and can be downloaded from the app
- Photos have been taking some time to upload, so we have made a fix here and the upload time has reduced significantly. Additionally multiple photos can be selected from the gallery. So I recommend take your photos, then go for the import. It just quicker.
>Due Date Extension for assigned corrective has been added for users. Just need to click into the listed corrective action.
- Due Date Extend Review button to approved the extension. Again accessible by clicking into the corrective action.
Images below show the process for requesting an extension of due date and the approval process. Display is from iPhone X so could differ from device to device.
NOTE: If you do not have your mobile device set to automatically update, then go to the App Store and click on update.
Web App Fixes
– Plant Register – Remove ‘equipment’ from ‘Plant / Equipment’ Column header to provide better viewing of table information
– Inspections – Rescheduled is now working properly and will reschedule overnight based upon the frequency of the inspection that has been set in Workplace Inspection > Type of Inspection
– Hazard and Issue Reported By will automatically select logged in user.
– Logged in user with view rights to manage risk can only log against their “Site” when the site marked “Private”. Any site that is “Not Private”, the user can log against those sites.
– Adding licences and certificates, date changing to prior date upon saving has been fixed.
– Manage Employee – Filter not sticking for Site has been fixed.
- Filter for Training Names was fixed to enable scrolling and user can select multiple training names for display and export to Excel.
Web App Improvements
Planning > Manage Plan
– Table Header updated so that you can now see Due Date
Contractor / Supplier Register
– Motor Vehicle insurance added and layout improvement
– Also included in the Export to PDF report
– Notifications will also be sent to the listed person’s email for the company
Workplace Inspections
– ‘Completed Date’ Added into View Comments (see below).
– The completed date also available in Reports > Workplace Inspections.
Additional Mechanisms of Injury: Included the following
– Repetitive movement with high muscle loading
– Single movement high muscle loading
– Single movement low muscle loading
Thank you Steve, HI
Chemical Register
– Import process, only need specific data fields. Less stringent if you are wanting to add additional chemicals and you don’t have all the information. Plus this week at some point you will be able to edit the Chemical name.
Thank you Ian, OS
Mobile Phone numbers
– We have removed the verification of mobile number throughout the application and it will just check that number entered is not less that 10 digits.
Inspection Master Filter
– Filter now obtains the list from Inspection Type instead of manual entry search
Licence and Certificate Notification in Assign Notification Rights
– Assign notification rights – additional notification right is provided in Assign Notification Rights for additional persons to be notified and assist with the management of maintaining current licence and certificates. Same applies with Training and Competency Notification Rights.
– The current notification to the worker and their Reporting To person still stands at 4 weeks, 2 weeks and 2 days prior to expiry.
Report > Scheduled Training
– Report updated to include inactive training
– When Site and Department Filters are not included, just the date range all trainings scheduled during the period are provided along with those scheduled and those who participated.
– We are looking at including the duration training program in the Training Master so you can get information about the of number of hours allocated to training during the period.
Thank you Antonette BJ
Training > Training Calendar
– Inactive training will display that has been previously scheduled during the year period selected.
– This aligns with the Schedule Training Report above.
Reports > Corrective Actions
– Table heading updated with Date Reported and Due Date.
What You Should Do
1) Get staff to update their mobile app on devices
2) Provide training to your staff on the due date extend request in Sherm and advise of relevant updates about importing photos and adding attachments.
3) Review user notifications and ADD other persons who you would like to manage Licence and Certificates at Sites other that those who are currently ‘Reporting to” persons. For example this could be your Site Admin person who is listed in the Site Master who you want to assign this task to. Same applies for the Training & Competency notifications.
4) Review your current Plan in Sherm
5) Maybe schedule and internal audit with me at some point.
Current Work
At present we are making improvements to Reports > Monthly Data Analysis, the Risk Register is still WIP. This had to go on hold due to the above fixes that were required and the improvements in the Mobile App for ease of use and bugs found. We will add an additional function for when there are multiple sites and the Sites are Private that the Site Administrator listed in the Site Master can ‘delete’ incidents that have been reported.
Any issues, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you
Kindest Regards
Caroline Kingston
Director / Principal Consultant
P: 07 3396 6208 M: 0439 009 620
W: www.safetyforlife.com.au
Skype: caroline.kingston181