Good morning and to those I have not wished a happy new year to:
Happy New Year… though my thoughts are it will be quite similar to 2020!
Hmmm.. well as they say, the show must go on and I wish you all the best 2021.
Please review the following up and share with your teams
Fixes and Improvements
User Notifications
– Assign Notification Rights for Workplace Inspections has been included.
- Action: Please update for your site/s: People > User Management > Assign Notification Rights
Contractor / Supplier Register
– For contractors whose status is changed to Do Not Use, the reminder notification for insurances has been removed.
– “Do Not Use” Contractor / Suppliers will not display in the Contract / Supplier Register. To view them, open the Filter and change Status to “Do Not Use” should you need to reengage them.
– A notes tab has been added to keep records of discussions, assessments of contractors / suppliers for your records and can be printed out, same as Plant Register.
Registers > Training
– Issues with the Export to Excel is now fixed
Documentation > Resources
– The URL for some resources was affecting the display within the table, so now the link has a Click Here instead.
Hazard Types
– 2 new hazard types are:
- Isolated Work Area”. So with this, you can populate a Hazard Register for locations that come under the definition of Isolated Work, risk assess each of these and then a Register is automatically populated. I would suggest here that with any corrective action, the “Review Period” is at least quarterly, if not monthly until the business is certain such areas are considered ‘controlled’.
- Waste – As above, identify waste streams in the business and look at how these can be minimised.
Notification Email | New incident Reported
– Have included “What went wrong” after “Details of Event” to provide more information for persons being notified. You have probably already recognised this in the emails received.
Reports > Training – Individual Training Report
– Now you can select the “Employee” and run report for all training completed with Export to PDF
Reports > Past Meetings
– Ability now to record meetings that have occurred in the past.
– Emails do not fire when adding employee
– When meeting minutes are added, attendees will be notified via email.
strong style=”font-size: 10.5pt; color: #ed7d31;”>Injury Register in Incident Report
– Bodily locations have expanded
Work In Progress
– Meetings Module – Recording of meeting minutes directly into the application rather that uploading meeting minutes. We are also looking at adding the corrective action within this section also for each agenda item.
– MSDS out of date Notification Email will be updated to SDS and I think there is still potentially an issue with the Private Sites and cross over notification.. We will test this further.
Stay well and remember with each adversity, one becomes a little stronger.
Enjoy your day!
Kindest Regards
Caroline Kingston
Director / Principal Consultant
P: 07 3396 6208 M: 0439 009 620
Skype: caroline.kingston181