Sherm Software Update – February 2025
I do hope that you have enjoyed a lovely break over the festive season. As I write this update, it is already February, and I reflect on how quickly time goes by. So to kick off I firstly want to say thank you for your ongoing support and I would like to encourage you to schedule in a Sherm Review, if you have not done so already. Please use the Booking Calendar link HERE. It would be lovely to catch up with those that I have not, so far this year.
Industry Update
In November last year, we published with Industry Update. This publication is a manufacturing magazine and provides a great range of products, suppliers, news and events. There are opportunities to advertise with them as well. In the Nov/Dec 24 Issue 141, I submitted an editorial on Sherm Software which is featured on page 36 and along with an advertisement on page 39. For those that do not subscribe to Industry Update, I would recommence that you do by clicking link HERE.
Legislative Changes
New Sexual Harassment Regulation in force for QLD businesses
From 1 September, important changes were made to the Queensland Work Health and Safety Regulations regarding the requirement to manage psychosocial risks that arise from sexual harassment and sex- or gender-based harassment.
From 1 March 2025, Queensland businesses will also need to prepare a prevention plan to address these risks and take steps to ensure workers are made aware of this plan.
The prevention plan must be in writing, identify the risks and controls in place as well as the factors that the PCBU considered, including consultation on the process. The plan must specifically address:
- how reports of an incident may be reported.
- how alleged incidents will be investigated; and
- the process for issue and dispute resolution.
The plan must be reviewed every 3 years or earlier if there is a reported incident or if a health and safety representative or health and safety committee request the review. With reference to the word plan, it could be inferred that the procedure established adequately satisfies this arrangement, along with the training that is conducted through Sherm by which the frequency can be selected every 3 years.
Action suggested:
- review and update related procedures and as a minimum this should be reviewed every 2 years
- ensure training and a CAT is developed and scheduled, and the frequency can be every 2 or 3 years
- include in the risk and opportunity register
- ensure workers are across the incident reporting process in Sherm
- employee handbook is reviewed and updated and then training and CAT rescheduled for all workers.
I have not delved into the other states legislative requirements, but in terms of a benchmark, this would be considered good practice for prevention of such events.
Additionally, I have developed a training program for the prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, so if you are interested, you can purchase that program for use in Sherm. Please email me if you are interested.
Sherm Code and Servers
OK, so from previous communications, you are aware that we completed a major update in Sherm in December! We have ironed out all the bugs that have been bought to our attention. If anything pops up that does not seem right, please do send this through to me without any hesitation. I’m so grateful for the reports provided to date. Has been very helpful.
Thank you 😊
Workplace Inspections
- Workplace Inspection Management Procedure Document Template updated to include information regarding retention periods of inspections.
- Help Feature for this page has been updated accordingly.
- Electronic Form can be printed out in the event this is required for use
- Mobile App electronic form no longer requires password authentication to access.
- Reschedule for any inspection greater that 1 week, will not reschedule until 7 days prior to next due date to save back log on scheduled inspections that are not due for over a month, 3 months or annually.
- Print Button included in the Form Builder page
Action: update your Workplace Inspection Management Procedure to reflect the change.
Sherm Updates
These are no longer maintained at the Safety for Life Website, and are now accessible here at the Sherm Website. The link is provided in the Footer of the website and can now be sorted with Tags to assist with searching these records. We have also included our “Insights” page with articles. If there is anything in particular you would like to see, please use the Contact Us form and put your request in as “Other”.
Mobile App
Facilitated CAT is added to Mobile App and is accessible in the Menu Bar. This is likely to be located as a tile for ease of access in the near future with additional development I am considering… see below in New Features!
From the mobile app, User can see list of CATs based on access similar to Web App, Search and Filter (Test Name, Status and Category) and Facilitated CAT Test. This improvement will make it easy to facilitate a CAT in the field from mobile device.📲
Plant Register
When adding a record, we have added an upload document field that so any uploaded document will display in the Attachments tab. Yes, I heard you and now we have it! 💥
Fixes Completed
Filters – Site filter not clearing across risk module resolved.
Terms and Conditions – broken linked fixed in both web and mobile app
Contractor Register – reminder notifications fixed so they do not send for those under status of Do Not Use.
Fixes to Finalise
Monthly Data Analysis Data Display
Some clients are experiencing issues with the display of workplace inspections data in the Monthly Data Analysis Report due to the sheer number of inspections being completed. The pie chart is not a good presentation for this amount of data, so we are looking at changing this to a Bar Chart. Watch this space!
User Notifications
We have added an Edit Button so instead of having to delete and redo the User Notification, this can be Edited to update the change required.
New Features
Employee Performance Reviews
We are mapping out the process within Sherm as to how best we will provide this new feature. I’m expecting we will have this available in the April. If you have any related information and suggestions, please send this through during February.
Love Sherm? Let Others Know!
Share Your Sherm Experience – Leave a Google Review! 🏆
Your feedback makes a difference! We’d love to hear how Sherm has supported your business—whether it’s the ease of use, the mobile app’s convenience, or our dedicated support team.
⭐ Click HERE to leave a quick Google Review and share your experience with Sherm. Your insights help us grow and continue delivering the best service possible. Thanks for your support!
Sherm’s Referral Program – A Win-Win for Everyone! 🎉
The Referral Program is live and ready to roll—so make sure to remind your team about this exciting opportunity! When a referral is successful, the referrer will receive a $200 electronic gift certificate delivered straight to their email and mobile phone. In these challenging economic times, I’m excited to give back to those who support and recommend Sherm. After all, we all know referrals are the lifeblood of any business.
It is important to keep your procedures current and up to date and that changes are communicated to your work groups.
Stay happy, healthy, and free 😊