October 2021

Hello Sherminators!!

Here is a end of month update on some changes for both mobile and web app. Reminder… post these changes, there are only a few items on my agenda for development work in Sherm and then we are taking a step back to work on other projects.  If there are any issues though that you face, please do not hesitate to email these through to me as you have done in the past.  

For new clients that have joined recently, and as a friendly reminder… all previous Sherm Updates are available here > Safety for Life.


Now let’s get down to it…and boogie!!


Mobile App Improvements

Last month I advised on how workers can Edit their existing licenses and certificates. This means that the record has to have been entered into the system in the first place prior to a worker updating their record.  A user CAN NOT ADD a new record.


The user is to click into the license/certificate, click on the Edit Button update information and user the camera on phone to take an image of licence / certificate Upload new document and Save.



Web Fixes and Improvements

Document Register

When sites are NOT Private and a document is uploaded into the Document Register and no Site or Department is selected, the document will display to ALL registered Users.

It is only when a document  has been selected for a Site and / or Department then it will display only to those Sites.

Additionally, the Report > Monthly Data Analysis will only display documents that are Due to Review based upon the Site Selected. If no Site is selected, then all documents will display.

Registers > Manual Tasks

Ability to delete Manual Tasks Risk Assessment by Admin and Secondary Admins.

Registers > Chemicals

The Select button next to Maximum Quantity held has been removed so that only a number can be recorded.  This will then calculate the Total quantity in the Export to PDF. Thanks Kerry – Yumbah




Scheduled Meeting – Cancel and remove from Calendar

Unfortunately we cannot achieve this with Outlook so this task is to be done manually by users upon being notified via email of the cancellation. Sorry Antonette – Busselton Jetty

Workplace Inspections

Bug fix for those with ‘Manage’ User Role to enable scheduling to self and others.

Contractor Insurance Expiry Reminder Notification

Bug that permitted email to fire from system for those Contractor with Status  of “Do Not Use” has been fixed.


After our implementation of this new feature last month we fixed a bug relating to multiple scheduled meetings.


People Management

Pagination so if you are working on page 5 of 10, when you close the record you should stay on page 5 of 10 and not revert to 1 of 10 as was happening.  If you experience this in other pages, please do not hesitate to notify me. I know how annoying it is!!


Exporting results of Filtered Data

Bug fix to ensure that the filters selected within pages results in the selected data fields to be exported only.


User Roles – Email notification

Bug fix upon import so that no email fires when the Notification for email is turned OFF.


Private Sites – Site Manager across Multiple Sites

Fixes done to ensure that a persons who managers multiple sites within a company and the Sites are “Private”, they can access People from multiple sites as well as the ability to schedule and report to in the Risk Module.



Criteria for response was, yes, no, n/a and have now included a result of ‘partially’.
Scoring system is yes =1, no = 0, n/a = not considered in count and partially will have a score of 0.5



New Report Risk / Opportunity Register which enables multiple search functions of which the data can be exported to Excel or PDF.


Once the few items that I have left on my agenda for Sherm, I will inform you of such.

Until next time, stay well, be happy and worry less.

Hope you have a great day!!


Kindest Regards

Caroline Kingston

Director / Principal Consultant

P: 07 3396 6208  M: 0439 009 620

E: [email protected]

W: www.safetyforlife.com.au