The transition to the news server went smoothly. Though one problem has been identified and this is related to users with a *Hotmail *Outlook *Live *Bigpond account being that the emails not being delivered due to Hotmail’s New spam control rules. Microsoft email services (Hotmail, Outlook, Live etc) are seeing on a new IP address and so it gets a “Neutral Reputation’. So until the new IP address gets a positive reputation such email accounts will not receive Sherm notifications. The new IP has been submitted to be whitelisted, unfortunately it just takes time to process. I have made some suggestions for you to do some checks within your system and once I see emails are no longer being rejected, I will provide notification on this specifically.
My Recommendations for those who have the above email type accounts for their workers, contractor employees and contractor companies.
- Run your reports for corrective actions and provide to relevant users
- Run report for contractors expiring certificates
- Run report for employee licences and certificates
- Schedule your meetings in Outlook as well as in Sherm
- Any approved documents within the 10 days to be communicated through your internal meetings
- Check your plan actions, run reports and send to relevant persons
Mobile App
- Change has been made to enable the searching for “Inspection Type” on mobile app.
Server Shut Down
- In the event that the server needs to be shut down for any length of time, an email notification will go to those who are the system admins, secondary admins and those person who are listed as the Site Administrators within People > Human Resources > Site Master. It will be up to those person to inform staff that Sherm is off-line. Upon Sherm being active again, an email will be sent again informing you of such.
Reports > Documentation Review and Approve
- Within the Filter for “Status” we have included “Due for Review” that will display those documents that are due review for the period selected. Those that are overdue, will display in red as they are identified as being past the current date. If documents are displayed in red, for example you run a June 2019 Report, some documents will be in black which means they are due for review during the June period.
Document Register – Change of Document Owner
- With regard to this improvement, I would like to remind you that Date Updated has to be selected in the first and then Document Owner can be updated.
- Secondly, we also identified that if a “Reviewer” of a document is no longer active and that “Reviewer” was the only “Reviewer”, then the Document Owner cannot just be changed. The document will need to go into full review with version number changed and new Reviewers selected.
User Notifications
- An additional notification has been provided for Training and CAT’s
- Reminder: Any person who is assigned as a Site Administrator in People > Human Resources > Site Master will also be provided with notifications advising of Training and CATs falling due for employees. However, we have checked to ensure that double notifications are not sent if they are also selected in Assign Notification Rights.
- A specific user can be assigned the module notification based upon sites. If no site is selected, user will get all notifications irrespective if site is private or not. If a user is assigned to a specific site, they will only receive those notification for such site selected.
Incident Management
- When equipment is attached from the plant register, the requirement to add the last inspection / service date has been removed as a mandatory field.
- Training > Facilitated CATs: Off-line CAT questions were not displaying so the facilitator could not complete the CAT on the worker.
- Secondary Admin (from Vendor Site): ability to approve/reject corrective actions has been fixed
- Inactive Reporting to User Notification – stopped the notification for ‘inactive’ workers
- Plant Register – Edit – Updating Service date and the frequency is now being updated upon saving. This is how it works below:
- This is the record recorded for the plant item
Work in Progress
Dashboard Actions
- When a user has completed an assigned action within Sherm that relates to a Dashboard Message, the message will be removed from the Dashboard.
Planning > Meetings
- Fix the print to PDF so only the selected information required from within the Filter is exported to the Print Report
Risk Register
- Company risk register that will incorporate Risk and Opportunity to align with ISO AS/NZS 9001, ISO AS/NZS 14001 and to prepare for ISO AS/NZS 45001
Please ensure you communicate the relevant changes to your staff. Any issues, please send them though so we can review and make plans for improvements and fixes. Thanks again for your support!
Kindest Regards
Caroline Kingston
Director / Principal Consultant