July 2021

Good morning 😊

Find following the updates that have been done over the last couple of months.

Additionally, there are updates to the mobile app. The iOS update has been released however the Android update is yet to be completed. This should be available tomorrow. 


Current versions are:

IOS: Version Number : 5.0.11

Android: Version Number : 23.0.8


The main change in the mobile app is within Inspections, whereby we have added “Site” into the selection fields.

This was required due to another project that I am working on so please be sure to communicate this change to workers who are scheduling their own inspections.


Web Fixes and Improvements

Site Private

  • Dashboard pie charts updated to display the data only for sites relevant to logged in user.
  • Site Administrators from within the Site Master will also have access to select sites to which they are assigned.
  • Site Administrators also able to Add Attachments relating to their site, i.e. insurances, certification etc.. that is site specific.  The Site Administrator will be provided notification upon expiry (if included).


Registers > Training

  • Within the Filter, under Employee Type – Contractor Employee and additional Filter will populate to enable the selection of Company Name.  This enables the search to be narrowed down to only the Contractor Employees at that site.  Additionally in the Employee Filter, only those relevant workers will display and a report can be run for the select employee.



Training > Schedule Training and Schedule CAT

  • We have added new fields also here for Employee Type and Company Name
  • Company Name will only display if Employee Type “Contractor Employee” is selected.
  • Employee Type is a mandatory field.

  • The Participants list will then only display persons based upon the required training as determined by Manage Positions and the mapping of “Required Training”.




Reports > Training > Training Needs Analysis

  • Filter layout has been updated to include Company Name field which will be visible when Employee Type – Contractor is selected.
  • Included a slider for Overdue Training Only that if enabled will display only overdue training, otherwise all records will be displayed.
  • Report layout updated to reflect changes




Reports > Investigations

  • Status Filter updated to removed NFA as we did not capture this

  • Not Assigned refers to the Incidents in Manage Risk > Incident Management that have neither Completed or Assigned i.e. blank



User Management > Manage User Roles

Additional feature has been included to enable to remove the view and access within the Human Resource Module.

In Manage User Role a “-“ button has been added (see first screenshot below)

When opened, you can deselect what the User Role does not require.

Below, the User Role can Manage Employee, but only has View right to Manage Positions, Certificates and Licenses.

This will result with the Dropdown Menu only displaying and allowing access to the selection provided.



Oh, the Report > Training Needs Analysis and Report > Monthly Data Analysis had some improvements, but I have found an error in this…. which I have requested to be fixed by end of month to ensure it is ready for your reporting next week.

Please ensure you review the changes thoroughly in your current setup in Sherm and adjust accordingly.

Any issues, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any issues you experience.


Have a great day!!



Kindest Regards

Caroline Kingston

Director / Principal Consultant

P: 07 3396 6208  M: 0439 009 620

E: caroline@safetyforlife.com.au

W: www.safetyforlife.com.au