Hey champions! I know, it has been some time since I last updated you on what has been going on behind the scenes. Well to be truthful, not as much as I expected and as a result I have had to make some changes back of house. Things are now turning around. So here it is for what has been happening in Sherm over the last few months.
Mobile App Fix
It was bought to my attention that the Mobile App was crashing when uploading a photo in workplace inspections.
Please note, this is now fixed and new version in iOS was made available.
Tried and tested – thank you Inline Drilling.
Web Fixes and Improvements
Audit – Enter / Edit Executive Summary and Recommendations
– These were not ‘sticking’ if added after completing the audit – thank you Vital
Documentation > Resources
– The URL for some resources was affecting the display within the table, so now the link has a Click Here instead
– Click Here link was used for uploaded documents. This was completed in error and also threw and error.
– Click Here will only display for linked resources
– Imported resources are accessed through ‘download’
Document Register
– Archive button is available for Document Contributor, Site Admins, Primary and Secondary Admin.
– Things are currently a bit loose here in the Document Register, so please ensure that when you are Editing a new version of a document that you change the Status to OPEN before saving. Otherwise it will stay in the Status of Approved.
Chemical Register – Notifications
– Primary Admin and the Secondary Admins will not receive an email notification for Expired SDS and Risk Assessment. It will only go to the person/s who are selected for the Notification for Chemical Register.
Chemical Register MSDS notification / Dashboard Message
– “M” removed from MSDS and dashboard text modified to enable ease of viewing requirement
– The email notification is also updated to ‘SDS’
– Data mix-up for notification to relevant persons as per User Roles for when sites are private are resolved.
Dashboard Pie Chart
– The pie chart was displaying the total number of inspections scheduled and has been updated to display only ‘completed’.
Dashboard – Messages Automatically remove upon completion of task or CA Approved
– When an assigned corrective action has been “Approved” by the “Assigner” the notification message in the Responsible Persons Dashboard Messages will be automatically removed.
– I chose to have it removed at status of “Approved” rather than “Closed”.
– Completed Inspections notifications will also be removed when status is updated to “Completed”
LTIFR and SIFR Calculations
– These calculations that are pulled from Manage Employee > Work Hours is now changed from 1,000,000 man hours to 200,000 as this is more reflective of the client base in Sherm – Vital Chemical
Notification Email
– Injury Medical Certificate Expiry Notification is currently sent on expiry date to Injured Employee (where email is set).
– New notification provided to those listed in user Notification for Injury Management
– Notification will be sent 2 days prior to expiry date., thank you – Task Labour
Injury Management
– New Filter for Status on claim being either “ Open” or “Closed”. The filter will only work if “Claim Closed Date” is added for the Claim thank you – Task Labour
QLD Clients
**Please note
Twenty one Queensland codes of practice have been updated following a review of the national model codes of practice in 2018 undertaken by Safe Work Australia. The scope of Safe Work Australia’s review was limited to the useability, readability and technical accuracy of the codes – substantive content or policy changes were not included as part of the review. The new Queensland codes commenced on 1 March 2021, these codes continue to reflect Queensland’s current legislative and regulatory requirements.
You will need to go in and update your Legal Register.
If you would like for me to do this for you, email me with the request and I will let you know when this task is completed.
Work In Progress
There is some back end clean up going on in the Admin Panel that we need to focus on along with:
– Injury Reports will include a filter to search based upon time of incident i.e. am / pm from – to
– Incident Register will include a filter for when an incident occurred i.e. am/pm – from – to
– Reports > Investigation – Filter for Status to include: Not Assigned, Assigned, Completed
– Manual Tasks Risk Assessment will have additional tabs for comments, record changes and a print functionality.
– Meetings… yes this is still WIP
– Plant Item Detailed Report will include the Records maintained and a design fix is required.
That is all I have for now. Thanks heaps for you input and please reach out if there is anything I can assist you with.
Kindest Regards
Caroline Kingston
Director / Principal Consultant
P: 07 3396 6208 M: 0439 009 620
E: caroline@safetyforlife.com.au
W: www.safetyforlife.com.au
Skype: caroline.kingston181